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My search for an internship was a long journey. It seemed like every network connection I made kept falling through. I was looking for the perfect marketing internship located in Amarillo, for the Summer of 2019… easy right? Well, it was not as easy as I thought. I persevered and came across Nobox Creative. I was drawn to the website design and Amy’s blog. Amy was a friend and co-worker of mine at English Rose Boutique. When I discovered she interned with Nobox I reached out and she put me in contact with Kim May. Little did I know that my perfect internship dream was about to come true.

Kim and I met for coffee at Palace Coffee Shop one afternoon. I instantly knew that Kim was someone I would want not only as a boss but a mentor. We talked about family, school, and future dreams. I was so comfortable with Kim that I felt I had known her for years! By the end of the meeting, my prayers were answered, and I finally had the internship that I had longed for.

My experience at Nobox was truly one of a kind. My main job included creating and scheduling social media content. I learned day one that I had to put myself in the client’s shoes, and really get to know the clients in order to make the best social media posts. Some of these clients included Advanced Eye Care, Amarillo Town Club, Water Still, and SO many more. Towards the end of my Summer 2019 internship, I gained the trust and creative freedom to create my own content for Rope For a Cure. It was rewarding to see some of my ideas and posts actually being used. It is safe to say that you are looking at the new eyeglasses, workout, tea, and nonprofit expert. Getting to know the client’s passions was hands down one of my favorite things.

Actually, I was fortunate enough to sit down and brainstorm with The ER on Soncy’s marketing rep, Becky. Becky was so fun to talk to, and I got to learn a lot about The ER on Soncy’s mission to helping patients. Getting to know the clients on a personal level gave me more insight to make their social media dreams come true. I was also fortunate enough to help Kim produce a Facebook Live post at a conference that Mayor, Ginger Nelson, was attending. Mayor Nelson is also a client of Nobox Creative. That is pretty neat! This conference was the official announcement of Texas Tech University opening a veterinarian school for their future students. I watched history be made!

Going to meetings and conferences was not the only time I got out of the office. Kim sent us to places like Advanced Eye Care, Water Still, and Ceta Canyon to take imaginative pictures for social media. Physically taking pictures and videos helped to make my posts come to life! Jentry May, Kim’s husband, was my visionary mentor. Jentry would point out the good from the bad lighting and show how angles can make or break an artistic picture. I found myself putting on glasses or drinking tea while smiling for the camera. It was extremely fun to be a model for the day!

Once our photography sessions ended, it was back to the Nobox office. This was where I got to meet some of the coolest people, besides Kim and Jentry of course. Alicia, Shannon, and Josh all specialize in different marketing services. From project management to website and graphic design, they are the marketing dream team. I most definitely asked questions on a daily basis, and everyone was more than happy to not only answer my questions but explain to me what makes a marketing agency work. I believe the Nobox dream team works well together because of their office outings. I was lucky to be invited to monthly lunches and attend a Sod Poodles game with the office. I am so thankful that I was included, it made me feel a part of the Nobox family.

Marketing is my passion. In fact, marketing has always been my passion. My intern experience at Nobox taught me to be confident in whatever marketing field I desire, and I have gained skills that will go beyond the workplace. Nobox showed me the different services that are embodied in marketing… and let me tell you, each service gives me so much excitement that I cannot pick a favorite. When it comes to choosing my future career path, I am determined to follow in Kim May’s footsteps, and make client’s visions become reality. Thank you Nobox for an unforgettable experience.